WhatsApp Activation

Learn how to activate WhatsApp with your Runtime HRMS employee account.

Introducing WhatsApp Integration

Runtime HRMS has introduced WhatsApp integration for all users effective Dec 10, 2023. This feature is currently in preview and being offered to select users to try out. Full rollout is expected by Jan 01, 2024.

To activate WhatsApp on your account, you need to follow below steps:

  1. Login on Workman

  2. Verify Mobile Number

  3. Activate WhatsApp

Login on Workman

You need to be an active user of Workman to activate WhatsApp. If you haven't already logged in on Workman, follow the steps in Logging In section to download and activate Workman. You many need login credentials from your HR Manager to do this.

Verify Mobile Number

After you have activated Workman, go to My Info from the menu. Go to My Profile and you will see an option to verify your mobile number.

If your mobile number is not updated on your profile, please contact your HR Manager to add mobile number using Runtime HRMS HR Portal.

Click Send OTP. You will get a 6 digit OTP on your mobile. Enter the OTP and click/tap on Verify OTP.

Once you have verified your mobile number, you will get an SMS containing link to activate WhatsApp also. Follow the link to open WhatsApp and send the given message. You will then get a confirmation about WhatsApp activation. We'll also send you further instructions to use WhatsApp for marking punch, viewing attendance and downloading salary slips.

Last updated

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