Live Travel Tracking
Runtime Workman allows you to track employee travel with live location tracking and automatic calculation of distance travelled.
Live Travel Tracking requires background location permissions.
Granting Permissions for Background Location Tracking
Travel Tracking requires access to user’s location while the Workman app is in background. The background location permissions are to be granted manually by the user since both Android and iOS do not allow granting background location permissions programmatically.
Background Location Permissions on Android
On Android version 10 and above, the user needs to allow location access to the app by going to Settings > Apps > Workman > Permissions > Location > “Allow all the time”
See below screenshot for the setting:
Background Location Permissions on iOS
On iOS, you will be prompted to allow location permissions when you open the app. However, you will only get options to select a) Allow Once or b) Allow While Using App. Select ‘Allow While Using App’ when prompted.
Now go to Settings > Workman > Location. Here, you will see an option for ‘Always’. Select this to allow location permissions while app is in the background.
Tracking Travel
Use below steps to start and track travel using Workman.
Start Travel
To start live location tracking, go to Travel Punch and click on ‘Start Travel’ button as shown below:
Note: If you have already started a travel, this button will change to ‘Stop Travel’
Background Notification (Android Only)
After starting travel, you will see a Sticky notification on Android devices as shown below:
The Travel notification cannot be dismissed directly. You can close Workman app (do not terminate) and your travel will keep getting recorded in the background.
Background Tracking
Android Devices: You may close the app by pressing back button and your travel will still get tracked in the background. You can open the app again and stop the Travel (as explained in next section). iOS Devices: As of Oct 12, 2022, iOS app ver. 6.32 is not able to track location in background when you close the app. Thus, the user has to keep the app open in order to track the travel. We’ll update this section as and when background tracking is available on iOS devices also.
Stop Travel
Once your travel is completed, open Workman and go to Travel Punch again to stop the travel. You can also tap on the Travel Notification to open the Travel page directly.
If the travel is not stopped by the user, the system will auto-stop the travel after 9 hours. Thus, one travel cannot be more than 9 hours long.
Monitor Travel using Runtime HRMS Admin Panel
To monitor employee travel using Runtime HRMS Admin panel, go to Attendance > Travel Data.
Select a date and search for the employee record for which you want to check the travel data.
Click on ‘View’ icon as shown below to open travel details:
Once travel is finished, there will be an entry in the Travel Punches with the name ‘Live Travel (System Id – xx).
Click on the ‘Map’ icon to view the travel history on map (indicated with a black line).
Important Points related to Travel Tracking:
Travel punches can still be submitted while travel is in progress, but the distance between two points will not be calculated as shown in above image (Punch submitted while travel in progress).
Location tracking is automatic once employee starts the travel. However, if the app is terminated, the tracking will stop. On iOS devices, if the app is closed, the tracking will also stop.
Travel punch can be use along-with travel tracking to capture details of clients visited and meeting notes.
In order to track travel, the user should be moving at the speed of at least 20 km per hour. Movements below this speed will be ignored by the system.
Maximum travel duration is 9 hours. If user does not stop the travel after 9 hours, the system will automatically stop the travel.
Last updated